ESS Arthro Liquid

ESS Arthro Liquid

✓ supports joints & cartilage
✓ with high-quality hyaluron acid
✓ applicable for lameness & arthrosis
✓ can promote resilient joint structures
✓ doping-free - FEI & ADMR tested

Regular price79,99 € Tax included.

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Leon Kim
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Joint orderer with hyaluronic acid: ESS Arthro Liquid

Lameness due to arthrosis is one of the most common reasons horses and ponies are presented to practices or clinics and in many cases it ist the end of their further career as a riding horse.
Osteoarthritis occurs when the joint cartilage wears off too much, the synovial fluid changes pathologically or the joint is damaged by accidents, overloading or malposition. As a result the joint bones mechanically rub against each other causing pain that can manifest as lameness .

Osteoarthritis develops insidiously - lameness is the result of an inflammatory process that has been going on for a long time. Damage to a joint affected by arthrosis cannot be reversed - early support of the joint structures is therefore extremely important to keep the horse healthy.

How does ESS Arthro Liquid work?

ESS Arthro Liquid contains a high quality combination of MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin - the three most proven nutrients to support cartilage and joint structures.
In addition, ESS Arthro Liquid contains high-quality hyaluronic acid: As the main component of the synovial fluid, it acts as a "joint lubricant" in all movements. With increasing age or due to extremely heavy or incorrect stress, this endogenous "lubricant" gradually breaks down.

When does my horse need ESS Arthro Liquid?

ESS Arthro Liquid can be fed preventively to support joints and cartilage or administered in the case of acute, inflammatory processes to harmonize the joint metabolism. The liquid is suitable for sport and leisure horses of all ages.

Applicable to:

  • inflammatory processes in the joint (arthritis)
  • beginning & advanced arthrosis
  • fspavin / ankle inflammation
  • general lameness
  • changes in the synovial fluid
  • after orthopedic treatments
  • after surgery (arthroscopy, chip surgery)
  • after falls and kicks
  • prevention in stressed (sport) horses
  • prevention in horses with positional errors
  • older horses with movement restrictions

Produkt Informationen

Wissen was drin ist: Wir setzen auf hochkonzentrierte Wirkstoffe, um die tägliche Fütterungsmenge so niedrig wie möglich zu halten. So kommst du lange mit deinem Produkt aus.

Large horses: 20 - 30 ml per day
(contains up to 50 servings/bottle)

Riding ponies: 15 - 20 ml per day
(contains up to 66 servings/bottle)

Intensive treatment: 50 ml per day - 3 - 4 weeks
(contains up to 20 servings/bottle)

Supplementary feed is not a substitute for needs-based, varied feeding and performance-based training of the horse.
The specified recommended (daily) dose should not be exceeded without consulting a treating veterinarian.

Propylene Glycol, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Chondroitin Sulfate, Glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid

Analytical components:
Crude Protein 2.00%, Crude Fat 0.00%, Crude Ash 0.70%, Crude Fiber 0.00%, Sodium 0.10%, Moisture 93.60%

Additives per liter:
Nutritional Additives: Vitamin C (3a300) 3,000 mg
Technological additives: sodium propionate (1k281), potassium sorbate (1k202) 2,000 mg, citric acid (1a330) 1,000 mg

This product is 100% doping-free (tested according to FEI / ADMR control guidelines).

The feeding recommendations and information on dosage must be observed. If compliance cannot be guaranteed, it is sufficient to discontinue the product 48 hours before the competition.

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews

Meine 14 jährige Stute hat erste Lahmheiten durch Arthrosen im Sprunggelenk gezeigt. Seitdem füttere ich das Arthro Liquid und das Gangbild ist wieder völlig normal. Ich hoffe dass ich ihr so noch viel Unterstützung für die gelenke bieten kann und sie noch lange schmerz- und lahmfrei läuft 😊

Sehr gute Wirkung und Verträglichkeit

Nach einer Woche trat eine deutliche Verbesserung ein, kein Stolpern und kein Entlasten mehr der Hinterbeine im Winter. Der Gang ist flüssiger geworden mein Rentner hat wieder Freude an Bewegung. Dazu 24/7 Keramik-Gamaschen. Der Msm-Zusatz wird trotz Magenempfindlichkeit gut vertragen. Die Magenprobleme haben sich (wohl durch den geringeren Schmerz) verbessert.
Habe viele Produkte in allen Preisbereichen ausprobiert, das Arthro Liquid wirkt mit Abstand am Besten.

Sein Geld wert!

Ganz ehrlich: Ich habe sooo viele Produkte von anderen Herstellern gefüttert. Von billig bis teuer. Alles dabei. Sogar das ekelige Kram in den roten Eimern (man weiß ja wer gemeint ist) hab ich getestet. Nichts hat wirklich was am Gangbild verändert, außer dieses Produkt.
nach der ersten Flasche lief mein Pferd schon wie ausgewechselt: Keine Steifheit, keine Taktprobleme, keine Anzeichen von Lahmheiten. Wir bleiben dabei. Es ist teuer, aber sein Geld allemale wert!

Frage zum Produkt

Do you have a question about ESS Arthro Liquid?
We would be happy to advise you on how to use it for your horse.

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